How Much Does a Doula Cost?

doula cost

How much does a doula cost in Utah? In Northern Utah, you’ll find that the cost of a birth doula can range anywhere from $1200-$2500. The average cost of a birth doula in this area is around $1700.

What is included in the price of a birth doula? Typically, a birth doula will include 1 to 2 prenatal visits, 24/7 email/phone support during pregnancy, in-person labor and birth support, and a postpartum visit in the total price of their package. Package inclusions do vary by doula, of course, and some doulas will also offer add-on services.

Is the price of a doula worth it? We, of course, will say that a birth doula is worth their weight in gold. But ultimately, what will help you determine if a doula is worth their cost is what the unconditional, unbiased support of a doula will be worth to you as you go through your pregnancy and birth experience.

What can a doula offer me that my partner cannot? A doula works for you. You hire and pay a doula to be there to provide you the kind of support that you need in any given moment. They are also there to compliment, not replace, the support that your partner is able to offer you. A doula is not as emotionally attached to you or your baby as your partner is, so it is easier for a doula to be clear-minded and objective during your pregnancy and birth.

If I already have a midwife, do I really need a doula? Doulas and midwives actually have very different roles throughout the pregnancy and in the birth space. A midwife is there to provide medical care to you and to make sure that you and the baby are physically safe. A doula, on the other hand, is there to provide to you emotional, informational, and physical support as you carry and birth your baby. A doula does not provide any medical care. When you combine the care of a midwife with that of a doula, you create the dream team for your birth.

Do doulas offer payment plans? Most doulas do offer very flexible payment plans. We all want you to be able to receive the support of a doula if you would like to have it, and we are almost always willing to work with you on a payment plan. All you have to do is ask!

If you have any additional questions about what to expect from doula care and whether or not hiring a birth doula is right for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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